Donna Mikkelsen
As an artist, I am inspired by the profound connections between movement, mark-making, and intuitive, non-verbal communication. My work explores the practice of spontaneous symmetry drawing as a tool for self-awareness. This process not only nurtures creativity, but also brings tangible benefits—improving balance, flexibility, strength, focus, presence, and freedom of expression.
Symmetry is naturally pleasing to the eye; it appears everywhere in nature—from the delicate symmetry of flowers and leaves to the faces we see every day. One of the reasons that symmetry drawing feels both joyous and calming is due to the activation of our peripheral vision. This type of vision, which sees things outside of our direct focus, requires a softening of the gaze. It’s the same awareness you experience when walking in nature or overseeing children at play. The “eyes in the back of your head” engage, allowing you to perceive a wider world.
This expansive awareness connects us to something larger—whether it’s the vast ocean, the sky from an airplane window, or even the view of outer space. It’s a shift in perception that calms and grounds us, activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The same effect can be achieved through the focused practice of symmetry drawing. Even if one’s attention remains centered, the process activates a deep sense of inner calm.
I use symmetry drawing not only as a tool for self-exploration, but also as a means of design, storytelling, and collaborative art-making through workshops. It is my belief that this creative practice has the power to unlock new insights, deepen connections, and bring people together in shared artistic experiences.
In a world increasingly dominated by screens, I encourage people to take a break and reconnect through the meditative act of art. Symmetry drawing is not just about creating beautiful images, but about finding balance and stillness within ourselves, offering a moment of freedom and peace in our fast-paced lives.
This video was created for the Beacon Independent Film Festival 2017. By Robert Featherston & Ray Gialone
In this Tedx Talk Donna demonstrates how sometimes our most epic failures are exactly what we need to propel us forward in life.
Interview with Omega's creative director Kathleen Laucius
Listen to podcast:DRAWING YOUR OWN PATH episode: #16
"Practices at the Crossroads of Art and Meditation" with John Simon. Donna talks about the healing power of her ambidextrous art practice.
Find drawingyourownpath on iTunes or all episodes here: Enjoy!